USSP: Unmaned Semifixed Sea Platforms, EDIDP-MSC-NS-2020

USSPs will develop a highly autonomous, energy efficient unmanned platform prototype, based on miniaturized oil platform technologies and with a wide range of aerial, surface and submarine sensors. It can be deployed in any geographical area, including deep water, and in adverse environmental conditions, so it will be very versatile in operation.
USSPs project is valued at 19.5 million euros and will have an European funding of 12.8 million, being the largest of the 26 projects selected in the EDIDP in its 2020 call.
A total of 15 European companies participate in USSPs, coming from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland and the Netherlands, coordinated by the Greek ETME.
- USSP project start: December 2021
- Duration: 42 months
- Scheduled completion: 2025