INVESTech project aims to support the establishment and development of a transnational cooperation platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in the field of information and Communication Technology (ICT), by fostering collaboration between education, the labour market and other stakeholders. 

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INVESTech is a 4-year duration project that seeks to promote the innovation potential of VET in the participating countries by fostering collaboration between education, the labor market, and other stakeholders; facilitating the development of skills and use of innovative technology; promoting green transition and social inclusion; providing opportunities for international collaboration and exchange of good practices, thus ensuring that VET can play a major role in supporting innovation, skills development, green transition, and social inclusion. More specifically, INVESTech will establish a bottom-up approach to vocational excellence involving a wide range of stakeholders at the regional level, building on existing skills ecosystems, expanding them, or creating new ecosystems, thus enabling CoVEs to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs.

INVESTech by incorporating the Quintuple Innovation Helix (Q2IH) Framework, which promotes partnerships among the academic community, industry, public sector, civil society, and natural environment, will provide a broader and more open platform of cooperation that will contribute to increase outreach, quality, and effectiveness of CoVEs and at the same time consider social and sustainable development parameters of skills development. Moreover, INVESTech will upgrade efforts undertaken regionally/nationally to the European, level, thus introducing a “European dimension” to Vocational Excellence in the participating countries, which will support the implementation of EU VET policy and actions.

CyRIC will have an active role in all 8 Work packages throughout the project, such as the pilot testing of the online courses, production of the IOs, dissemination activities etc. Specifically, CyRIC will organize bootcamps as an activity for partners from industry in collaboration with VET providers, a national workshop with representatives from companies, pitching events where the VET students will have the opportunity to present their ideas, projects and products, and Hackathons. In addition, CyRIC will facilitate a visit in Gravity Incubator centre, as part of the national study visit, where different partners will present their expertise and facilitate the knowledge exchange.